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MEN here are 7 Signs a Girl Gives Away if She Wants to Sle''ep with You..Please do not ignore

#1 She touches you in intimate places. Hold up. I’m not saying that a woman will immediately grab your groin when the moment presents itself! However, a woman can show that she is interested in taking your relationship to the next level if she openly touches uncommon areas of contact like your ears, neck, thighs, your torso or your feet. The last one’s touched using her own feet, of course.

#2 She licks her lips over and over. It could be a provocative plea that she is voluntarily doing or it may be a reflex reaction to the thoughts that she is currently having about you. Not only is it seductive, but it’s a pretty good sign that she may be open to sleeping with you if you just ask.

#3 She keeps mentioning sex. A woman will never mention sex on her own accord unless she is willing to put it on the table. By casually mentioning it in the conversation, she may be subtly saying that she is open to having sex at some point while you’re dating.

#4 She wore an uncharacteristically provocative outfit on your date. Any woman has the right to wear whatever she wants. If she wants to go topless on your date because it’s her usual thing, it doesn’t immediately mean that she’s willing to sleep with you right then and there. If, however, she usually dresses conservatively then suddenly wears a tiny red dress with a plunging neckline, she is probably starting to entertain the idea of hopping into bed with you.