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MEN here are 10 Ways to Successfully Che@t On Your Girlfriend And Never Get Caught...No. 7 is risky thou

Here’s the fun part… me showing you how to successfully cheat on your girlfriend and never get caught.
Here are the simple tips for successfully cheating on your girlfriend and making sure that she never catches you or finds out about your infidelity.
Only Date and Sleep With Girls Who Are NOT in Your Girlfriend’s Social Circle
What you want to do here is prevent the possibilities of you, the girl you are currently cheating with, and your girlfriend bumping into each other.
And the best possible way to avoid this accident from ever happening is to NOT see any girls from your girlfriend’s social circle.
Only sleep with girls who are out of town (or preferably who are visiting though this is not always possible). Also do NOT hang out with girls from around your town or your social circle also.
The reason why so many men get caught when they cheat on their girlfriend is because one of the girlfriend’s friend’s ends up seeing him at “so and so cafe or restaurant” and informs her girlfriend about it.

To avoid this, only sleep with girls who live far away from you. Do NOT frequent her regular hangout spots.
Discard Any Phone or Text Message Conversations That Could Potentially Lead to Your Girlfriend Finding Out About Your Affair
Most men get caught cheating because they are too sloppy and clumsy and their girlfriends pick up on this fact.
ALWAYS delete your text message conversations and clear out your calls to the other girls you are seeing before you see your girlfriend.
Basically, when you reply to a girl through text message, delete your conversation every single time. This way in case your girlfriend wants to see your phone because she suspects something is up, you will be covered and her unfounded suspicions will quickly go away.

Another tip is to rename the contacts of the girls you are seeing in your phone to guy names just in case and to be on the extra safe side.
Preferably, try not to give your girlfriend access to your phone or computer to begin with. Also do not give any hints of your cheating on Facebook or the various other social media sites.
You want to cover all of your tracks as effectively as possible.
Always Give Your Girlfriend Great S3x Whenever She Asks or Demands It
One thing that you want to avoid doing is acting different around your girlfriend when you are cheating as this could lead to her thinking that something is up.
Always act like your same old self. Deliver great sex to her so that she continues to be sexually pleased and satisfied. Continue to take her out on dates every now and then… and if you really want to never get caught cheating, surprise her with a beautiful gift or trip to someplace special

You want to make your girlfriend feel special and give her the false impression that she is the ONLY girl in your life. Never stop connecting with her, ask her how work is, etc. Do EVERYTHING in your power to come across as genuine and sincere.
Do You Have to Cheat On Your Girlfriend?
No… cheating on your girlfriend is not necessary.
Truthfully: Most men cheat on their girlfriend because something in the relationship is lacking. Whether it is sex, emotional support, etc. Most men cheat because one (or more) of their needs are not being met.
But if your girl is providing you with everything you want and need then do not cheat. This article was only written for the guys who want to cheat, have no choice but to cheat, and prefer to do it WITHOUT getting caught.
If that’s not you… continue doing whatever you are currently doing to have a healthy relationship.
If you’re a man who wants to cheat and NOT get caught… happy cheating!