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FACTS!! Here are 7 Signs that You’re Totally Getting Played

Think you’re being played? You probably are.
In my years of being part of the game, whether I was a victim or the player, there were pretty clear signs.
Sometimes, you don’t even have to try to find them; they literally fall into your lap.
You don’t have to listen to me, but from past experiences, these are a few signs you just can’t ignore:

1. The cell phone.

One of the most telling signs that you are not the only one in your significant other’s life comes from the cell phone.
Do you think that phone is on silent and face down for no reason at all? Wrong.
There’s a reason you can’t see it, find it or hear it. Expect it be looked at only when you leave the room.
And yes, it’s rude to be on your phone when you’re with someone, but it could also be suspicious when it stays hidden, locked or in his or her hand at all times — especially when he or she leaves the room.
And, don’t ever ask to see it because guaranteed your significant other won’t let you.
Unless, of course, the “do not disturb” option is turned on for any possible texter who could blow up his or her spot. Sneaky…

2. M.I.A.

He or she isn’t responding to your texts? That’s not out of the ordinary. I also don’t often respond to people.
But, I can tell you I do respond to people I want to talk to.
It’s one thing if a few hours go by because you’re busy. But, when hours and hours and hours go by with nothing?
You can pretty much bet he or she is either preoccupied with someone else, doesn’t want you to know what he or she is really doing or you aren’t worth talking to, from his or her perspective.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I can promise that if I like you and I’m interested in you, I will respond to you when you reach out to me or shortly thereafter.
But, when it came to the poor guys I dated a few times but was simply not into, I was the person who simply didn’t respond.
The difference is, I keep it that way. There will be no response 12 hours later or 24 hours later. If I am not interested, you will not hear from me. So, when I go MIA, it’s for good, not temporarily!!

3. You have something he or she wants.

Ever offered to help with something? Isn’t it funny how someone will swoon for you, sweet talk you and make you feel like the only person in his or her world until he or she gets what he or she wanted?