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Real reasons why Nelson Mandela divorced Winnie: She had $'ex with too many men (SEE NAMES)

John Carlin in his new book ‘Knowing Mandela,' reveals why he never forgave the former wife who has visited his bedside.

TWO weeks before Nelson Mandela's release from prison in February 1990 I went to see his wife, Winnie, at her home in Diepkloof Extension, the posh neighbourhood of Soweto where the handful of black people who had contrived to make a little money resided. It was known as Baverly Hills to Soweto's other presidents.

After Nelson's release she would have nothing to do with any of those who had criticised her. He, ever a loyal and disciplined member of the ANC, was working closely with them. She believed her husband had done enough. Now he belonged to her and their two children. She expected him to make her enemies his enemies. Instead, he invited them to meetings, let them keep his diary and organise his security. All this she found intolerable.

Mandela's love for Winnie had been, like many great loves, a kind of madness, all the more so in his case as it was founded more on a fantasy that he had kept alive for 27 years in prison than on the brief time they had actually spent together. The demands of his political life before he was imprisoned were such that they had next to no experience of married life, as Winnie herself would confess to me that morning.

"I have never lived with Mandela," she said. "I have never known what it was to have a close family where you sat around the table with husband and children. I have no such dear memories. When I gave birth to my children he was never there, even though he was not in jail at the time."